A novel model that employs quantum correction terms to extend Einstein’s theory of general relativity...
One rabbit hole in the field of quantum physics provides a special perspective into a...
The Slow Mo Guys are well-known for their slow-motion videos, but this time the guys...
For the most violent collisions in the cosmos, scientists have discovered a new speed limit....
According to a study by theoretical physicists at the University of California, Irvine, recent findings...
A team of University of Arkansas physicists has successfully developed a circuit capable of capturing...
Wormholes are conduits that connect two disparate locations in space and time, and physicists...
Scientists at Imperial College London have made a significant advance by doing a time-based...
Professor Carlo Cafaro of SUNY Poly’s Department of Mathematics and Physics and Professor Paul...
Our studies suggest that time moved more slowly in the early Universe due to...