We are living in the age of nuclear fusion. This fabled tree has now begun to bear fruit after decades of work by thousands of scientists: it is conceivable to establish a fusion reaction on Earth that releases more energy than is input. The discovery, which was reported before the end of 2022, has now been verified. Fusion breakeven has occurred. Not only that, but several studies demonstrate that there are also many reasons for optimism.
Stars regularly undergo nuclear fusion. Heavy elements are created by fusing lighter ones, often hydrogen. A large amount of energy is released in this reaction, which powers the stars. The fact that a portion of the Sun’s energy sustains life on Earth is a consequence that we hold dear. Since the turn of the 20th century, scientists have been curious about whether they could use fusion to their own advantage. Thus far, the response has been “sort of.”
The extreme pressures and temperatures that force atoms to naturally fuse and release energy are not replicated in the lab. These circumstances are found at the center of stars. We need to offer significantly greater temperatures in the lab to accomplish it, and that takes energy. Therefore, getting a fusion reaction that generates more energy than it requires to start has been the target for a time, and several designs have been made to try and achieve that.
The experiment at the National Ignition Facility (NIF) is the first to have gone over that boundary. We call this method Inertial Fusion. Strong lasers are directed into a hohlraum, a capsule containing two different types of heavy hydrogen pellets. The fusion process is sparked by the lasers’ interaction with the hohlraum, which releases a tremendous number of x-rays that strike the fuel.
The system produced 3.1 MegaJoules of fusion yield on December 5, 2022. Considering that the laser pulse needed 2.05 MegaJoules to initiate, the system generated over 150 percent of the energy necessary.
Although surpassing the “scientific breakeven” is a significant achievement, it is insufficient for a large-scale power plant. For a yield to be meaningful, it must exceed ten times the beginning energy. The team has therefore taken the time to carefully examine everything that transpired fourteen months ago. One interesting consequence of the fusion was that the hohlraum warmed up to energy that was greater than what the laser could have produced.
In one of the five articles that were delivered today, the scientists stated, “In summary, we have observed for the first time substantial reheating of indirect-drive hohlraums from burning fusion capsules, at levels comparable, and exceeding the original NIF laser drive.”
The key to implementing inertial fusion in a real power plant could be the creation of a stable burning plasma.
The NIF does not use different Laser frequencies at the focus point, which is wrong!!