‘Failed star’ with radiation belt could be a big deal for astronomy. Here’s why

 Soon after the first American satellite was launched in 1958, scientists discovered a startling discovery about the planet Earth. Massive amounts of powerful protons and electrons appeared to continuously fly around the rocky globe we call home, producing particle streams that were difficult to explain.

These streams would soon be referred to as the Earth’s radiation belts, and they would develop quite a reputation over time. For instance, radiation belts are known to put astronaut crews in peril and to threaten human technology in orbit. Later, it would be discovered that similar belts were enclosing Jupiter and other nearby planets as well. In fact, only last year a belt was discovered around an object outside of our neighborhood, and not only that but around one of the most puzzling things discovered thus far: a brown dwarf, or “failed star.”

We received important observations of the phenomena from one of the two science teams that independently observed this belt of brown dwarfs on Thursday (August 24), with a resolution that is nearly 50 times greater than that of NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope.

According to Juan Bautista Climent, an astronomer at the Universidad Internacional de Valencia, “this is the first object beyond the solar system where a radiation belt has been detected.” This discovery demonstrates the universality of this structure by demonstrating that radiation belts can occur not only on planets but even on brown dwarfs.

Brown dwarfs are a bit of a mystery to astronomers who study them since they are neither quite huge enough to be a star nor still too heavy to be a planet. The one that Climent and his team analyzed, LSR J1835+3259, sports a traditional space name.

Climent stated that objects like LSR J1835+3259 serve as a link between planets and stars. Their radio emission, as a result, combines certain traits from both.

The team’s discovery that this particular brown dwarf appears to be wearing a radiation belt similar to our planet’s—actually, it’s a little closer to the ones encircling Jupiter—was made possible by those peculiar radio emissions. Later, more on that.

Examining some discovery information: LSR J1835+3259, as Climent remarked, was kind of the ideal target for researchers to explore because it is only 18.5 light-years from us (which is really close, cosmically speaking) and emits enough radio emission data to use a method known as very long baseline interferometry (VLBI).

In a nutshell, VLBI connects numerous telescopes dispersed over Earth to create a massive virtual instrument. Each of those scopes is focused on the same source at once, capturing signals and measuring things like variations in signal arrival times and other things. Overall, it’s like looking into space via a gigantic telescope the size of Earth.

Climent stated that “radio emissions reveal structures and shapes that are frequently hidden in visible light.” “With them, we can map out the sweeping arms of galaxies, trace the paths of high-speed particles around magnetic fields, and even peer through cosmic dust clouds. It’s like getting a new pair of eyes.”

Surprisingly, this was the method used by researchers with the Event Horizon Telescope to obtain the first direct photograph of a black hole.

Climent stated that the radio emission from LSR J1835+3259 has a morphology similar to that of Jupiter’s and Earth’s radiation belts. “We used the European VLBI Network (EVN) to achieve a resolution 50 times better than that of the James Webb Space Telescope,” Climent remarked.

Similar methods were employed by the other team who discovered LSR J1835+3259’s belt, although they did it using a different VLBI network called the High Sensitivity Array.

Climent remarked, “We were, and still are, pushing the limits of what radio measurements can teach us about the universe. We wished to investigate the surroundings of brown dwarfs using this potent method.

Without VLBI, the brown dwarf under study would simply appear as a point of light, similar to a typical star that may be seen in the sky.

Why are brown dwarf radiation belts a big deal?

Before we discuss some scientific consequences, allow me to describe what it really means to hit a brown dwarf with a radiation belt. It can be simple to overlook the fact that deep space news often deals with issues that have their roots in our everyday life. So, this is what we would presumably see if we could observe LSR J1835+3259 without being overcome by the vacuum of space.
Our “radio eyes” would be rendered blind by the auroras, which are over 10,000 times brighter than Jupiter’s.
To put it mildly, if we could overcome that obstacle, we would be able to observe the extremely quick rotation of LSR J1835+3259’s photosphere, or visible surface, which completes one spin in less than three hours.

Climent added that the radiation belt, which would be shaped like a doughnut around the brown dwarf, would produce strong emissions.
Or, as he puts it, the belt would resemble a dance of imprisoned charged particles traveling in a spiral pattern between the brown dwarf’s northern and southern hemispheres: “What an amazing show!”
Of course, this brown dwarf has a lot to teach us about the cosmos we live in in addition to giving us a rather mind-bending mental image.
Astronomers had already learned a lot from LSR J1835+3259. In actuality, it was the first extrasolar object where auroras were found.
This study demonstrates that a radiation belt and auroras, just like in the case of Jupiter, can contribute to a portion of the radio emission of brown dwarfs, according to Climent. We may now use the knowledge accumulated through the years of Jupiter observations to better comprehend the environments and interiors of other extrasolar objects, such as LSR J1835+3259.
Climent also offered an intriguing hypothesis for the environment of this brown dwarf based on the team’s data: Perhaps it supports an exoplanet similar to how our solar supports the Earth or — given its location in the center of the star and planet itself — similar to how Jupiter supports moons.
If accurate, Climent stated, “it would complete a lovely resemblance to the system that makes up Jupiter and its volcanic moon Io.”

Putting Earth into perspective

Currently, researchers from all around the world are working toward a time when we will be able to explore parts of the universe that have never been seen by humans.  The Square Kilometer Array, a network of radio telescopes created to unveil the secrets of smaller and more distant objects throughout the cosmos, including exoplanets, is one technology that could help us see farther and more clearly, according to Climent.

Exoplanet hunters want to determine, among other things, if planets outside of our solar system have the necessary components to support life as we know it or, alternatively, life that we do not.
Climent stated that understanding the magnetic properties of exoplanets is crucial to determining whether or not they could harbor extraterrestrial life. If life might exist on these new planets, it would depend greatly on the type of radiation that surrounds them.
The team wants to confirm the existence of the prospective exoplanet and observe the brown dwarf they have focused on in more detail in the future. But as the researcher basked in the warmth of this most recent finding, he thought about how exploring the depths of space puts Earth in perspective.
The most lovely gift I have ever received—my first son—coincided with this realization, he remarked. In the future, I would like to share with him countless cosmic tales while also emphasizing the importance of protecting this precious planet that we all call home.

By Nikola